Conférence plénière à congrès international
Domaizon Isabelle, 2019. Application of DNA High Throuphput Sequencing in paleolimnology : new opportunities for investigating long-term changes in lacustrine biodiversity facing environmental pressures. Colloque Génomique Environnementale – Octobre 2019 La Rochelle
Coordination de session spéciale à congrès internationaux Conférences & séminaires invités
Anneville O., 2019. Long-term changes in Lake Geneva pelagic communities as a response to local and global forcing. Août, 2019, Dorset Environmental Science Centre, Canada.
Goulon C., Guillard J. Anneville O., 2019. Evolution des populations de poissons exploitées par la pêche dans le Léman. Colloque « Qu’en est-il de nos lacs ». 13 Novembre, 2019, Olten, Suisse.
Communications internationales : communication orales
JP Jenny, C Niemann, A Baud, I Gregory-Eaves, P Francus, et al. (2019) Relation between erosion and carbon transfers in 420 lake watersheds of the world during the last 300 years: a paleolimnological study. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019
Communications internationales : communications affichées
Ara J. F., Anneville O., Doubek J.P., Patil V.P., Stockwell J.D., Matsuzaki S-I., Dur G., 2019. Effect of typhoons on the phytoplankton of Lake Kasumigaura (Japan). Joint meeting of the Japanese Society of Benthology and the Plankton Society of Japan - Shizuoka (Japan), September 18-21, 2019
Elersek T., Salmaso N., Baudoin J.M., Bernabei S., Boscaini A., Bouchez A., Capelli C., Cerasino L., Dobrovolny S., Domaizon I., Donati C., Franzini G., Greco C., Hufnagl P., Krivograd Klemenčič A., Kurmayer R., Lepori F., Logez M., Mischke U., Pindo M., Remec-Rekar S., Schaumburg J., Schubert M., Tomassetti P., Vogelmann C., Wanzenböck J., Zampieri C. (2019) Assessment of biodiversity and water quality in the Alpine region with innovative approaches. 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Zagreb (Croatia), 30 June – 5 July, 2019
Vagnon C., Guillard J., Goulon C., Cattanéo F., Grimardias D., Frossard V., 2019. From kitten to tiger: inferring ontogenic trophic behavior of the giant catfish (Silurus glanis) in a large French lake. 4TH ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR CONFERENCE: 19-24 MAY 2019, Toulouse
Vautier M., Vasselon V., Baudoin J.M., Bouchez A., Capelli C., Chardon C., Kurmayer R., Logez M., Rimet F., Rund H., Salmaso N., Wanzenböck J., Domaizon I., 2019. Application of eDNA methods for biomonitoring of Alpine lakes and rivers : the Eco-AlpsWater project for innovative ecological assessment. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference, Trondheim (Norway), June 17-20, 2019
Communications nationales : Oral
Lemaire M., Guillard J., Anneville O., Goulon C., Lobry J., 2019. Quel futur pour les populations piscicoles du Léman ? Analyse exploratoire de l’impact des variations des concentrations de phosphore sur le réseau trophique pélagique. AFH, Caen 26 au 28 juin 2019.
Mahamoud Ahmed A., Tardy V., Volat B., Charton A., Bonnineau C., Pesce S., Lyautey E., 2019. Réponse des communautés microbiennes de sédiment à une exposition réaliste au cuivre : remaniement structurel, fonctionnel et acquisition de tolérance. Colloque de la Société Française d’Ecotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, Lyon, France, 24-25 juin 2019.
Communications nationales : Posters
Bonnineau C., Bouchez A., Charton A., Dagot C., Devers M., Labanowski J., Lyautey E., Pesce S., Martin-Laurent F., Mondamert L., 2019. Résistance aux antibiotiques et impact écologique chez les communautés microbiennes benthiques exposées à la contamination urbaine. Colloque de la Société Française d’Ecotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, Lyon, France, 24-25 juin 2019.
Anneville O., Vijay Patil, Jason Stockwell, Jonathan Doubek, Nico Salmaso , Gaël Dur, James A. Rusak, Patrick Venail, Shin-Ichiro Matsuzaki, Lars Gosta Rudstam and GEISHA/Storm-blitz contributors. (2018). Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on freshwater Habitat and structure of phytoplankton Assemblages. Sfécologie 2018, Rennes, France, 22-25 octobre, 2018.
Bailet B., Bouchez A., Chaumeil P., Franc A., Frigerio J.M., Karjalainen S.M., Ólafsson J., Rimet F., Salin F., Schneider S., Kahlert M., 2018. Pipelines for diatom metabarcoding in water quality assessment. 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin (Germany), 25–30 June 2018
Ben Khadher S., Fumagalli L., Guillard J., Lasne E., 2018. Screening of perch population evolution in Lake Geneva by archived samples. ELLS-IAGLR Symposium 2019 23-28 September 2018, Evian
Bouchez A., Chardon C., Guéguen J., Jacas L., Lacroix S., Rivera SF., Vasselon V., Rimet F., 2018. DNA-metabarcoding for monitoring benthic diatom communities in lakes. ‘Big Lakes - Small World’ ELLS-IAGLR joined meeting, Evian (France), 23-28 September 2018.BOUCHEZ A., KECK F., VASSELON V., RIMET F. (2018) Diatoms metabarcoding to monitor freshwater ecosystems. 5th European Biofilm Workshop 2018 “Omic approaches in biofilm research: advances in ecology and ecotoxicology”, Sven Lovén Center – Kristineberg (Sweden), 11-13 September 2018. (communication invitée)
BOUCHEZ A. 2018. DNA tools to monitor freshwater ecosystems. The 3rd Singapore-Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island International Water Environment Management Summit, Nanjing (China), 22-23 October 2018 (communication invitée)
Capo E. et al., 2018. How does climate-driven weather variability impact a lake ecosystem? Tracking changes in microbial communities in a 40-year varved record from an ice-covered boreal lake using sedimentary DNA. IPA-IAL 2018 - Unravelling the past and future of lakes - Stockholm June 18–21 2018.
Cattaneo F., Nawratil De Bono C., Diouf S., Guillard J., Grimardias D., 2018. Sediment management strategies in a large hydroelectric reservoir: comparing impacts of years 2012 and 2016 flushing events of the Verbois Reservoir, Rhône River (Geneva, Switzerland) on the fish community. Riverflow 2018 , Lyon
Chonova T., Kurmayer R., Vasselon V., Keck F., Rimet F., Labanowski J., IllmEr P., Bouchez A., 2018. Diatom metabarcoding to evaluate community changes in river biofilms linked to pharmaceutical loads from a wastewater treatment plant. 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin (Germany), 25–30 June 2018
Clément J.C., Bourgeois I., Nesti C., Caillon N., Deschamps N., Voisin D., Savarino J., 2018. Subalpine grass species are directly fertilized by atmospheric nitrate. Sfécologie-2018, International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Rennes, FR. 22-25 octobre 2018.
Domaizon I., 2018. Application of DNA-based methods in paleolimnology: new opportunities for investigating long-term changes in lacustrine biodiversity. IPA-IAL 2018 - Unravelling the past and future of lakes - Stockholm June 18–21
Etienne D., Verneaux V., Masclaux H., Millet L., Lyautey E., 2018. Spatial variability of benthic methane production activity in Lake Remoray (France). ELLS-IAGLR-2018, Evian, France, 23-28 september 2018.
Foursov G, Bertheau-rossel C, Binet P, Rouifed S, Meiffren G, Bardon C, Comte G, Criquet S, Priault P, Chiapusio G., 2018. How do climate warming affect Sphagnum secondary metabolites? Sfécologie-2018, International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Rennes, FR. 22-25 octobre 2018
Guéguen J., Chardon C., Crepin L., Demir R., Domaizon I., Hustache J.C., Jacas L., Lacroix S., Perney P., Perret-Gentil L., Rimet F., Pawlowski J., Bouchez A., 2018. SYNAQUA: a French-Swiss program for biomonitoring and preservation of Lake Geneva ecosystems. 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin (Germany), 25–30 June 2018
Guéguen J., Chardon C., Crepin L., Demir R., Domaizon I., Hustache J.C., Jacas L., Lacroix S., Perney P., Perret-Gentil L., Rimet F., Pawlowski J., Bouchez A., 2018. Shoreline quality of lake Geneva using environmental DNA of benthic diatoms. ‘Big Lakes - Small World’ ELLS-IAGLR joined meeting, Evian (France), 23-28 September 2018.
Hautier M., Caudron A., Masilya P., Muzana A., Perga M.-E., Guillard J., Richard A., 2018. omparative biology and ecology of two fish species of Lake Kivu in the East African rift. ELLS-IAGLR2018, Evian, France, 23-28 septembre 2018.
Jacquet S., Frossard V., Guillard J., Arthaud F., Grandrémy N. 2018. Abrupt biological changes in Lake Bourget in recent years following restoration and reoligotrophication. ELLS-IAGLR-2018 / September 23-28, 2018 / Evian (France)
Jenny JP, Ahrens B., Baud A., Francus P., Gregory-Eaves I., Koirala S., Niemann C., Carvalhais N., 2018. A global synthesis of lake sediment fluxes suggest enhanced soil erosion rates with land cover changes beginning circa 4000 years ago. International Sedimentological Conference, Québec City, (Canada), 13-17 Aout 2018
Jenny JP, A., Francus P., Koirala S., Niemann C., Carvalhais N., 2018. A global synthesis of lake sediment fluxes suggest enhanced soil erosion rates with land cover changes beginning circa 4000 years ago. PAGES-GloSS workshop, Koblenz, (Germany), 17-20 October 2018
Kahlert M., Bouchez A., Kelly M., Mann D.G., Rimet F., 2018. Unravelling the relation of the morphological species concept to the molecular one in the genus Fragilaria. 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin (Germany), 25–30 June 2018
Lemaire M., Guillard J., Anneville O., Lobry J., 2018. Response of food web structures to the re-oligotrophication of a deep lake and implications for the fisheries. SFECOLOGIE2018, Rennes, October 22nd-26th
Lemaire M., Guillard J., Anneville O., Lobry J., 2018. Evolution of the Lake Geneva food web during its re-oligotrophication process. Symposium Ells-IAGLR: Big Lakes, Small World, Evian-les-Bains, September 24th-28th
Mortágua A., Vasselon V., Oliveira R., Elias C., Chardon C., Bouchez A., Rimet F., Feio M.J., Almeida S.F.P., 2018. DNA metabarcoding approach as a complementary technique for assessment of Portuguese rivers using diatoms. Limnologia 2018, XIX congress of Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), Coimbra (Portugal), 24-29 June 2018
Novais M.H., Penha M.A., Morales E.A., Oliveira A., Bouchez A., Barthès A., Usseglio-Polatera P., Várbíró G., Morais M.M., 2018. Effects of water intermittency on diatom (Bacillariophyta) and invertebrate (aquatic and terrestrial) communities in streams of southern Portugal. Limnologia 2018, XIX congress of Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), Coimbra (Portugal), 24-29 June 2018
Perga M.E., Syarki M., Spanenberg J., Frossard V., Kalinka N., Bouffard D. (2018) Zooplankton feeding and overwintering strategies under lake ice. ELLS-IAGLR-2018 / September 23-28, 2018 / Evian (France)
Pesce S., Vivien R., Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L., Bonnineau C., Casado-Martinez C., Charton A., De Alencastro F., Hägerbäumer A., Höss S., Loizeau J.L., Lyautey E., Naffrechoux E., Pawlowski J., Thiemann C., Tlili A., Traunspurger W., Ferrari B.J.D., 2018. When benthic microbial and invertebrate communities inform us about the spatial pattern of contamination of large lakes surface sediments: A case-study in Lake Geneva. ELLS-IAGLR-2018, Evian, France, 23-28 september 2018.
Piton G., Lori M., Foulquier A., Symanzcik S., Jaenicke S., Legay N., Mâder P., Clément J.C. & A. Gattinger. Does eco-intensive agriculture improve the resilience of N-cycling related ecosystem services to climatic stresses through modifications of soil microbial community traits and diversity ? Sfécologie-2018, International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Rennes, FR. 22-25 octobre 2018.
Rimet F., 2018. DNA barcoding libraries for diatom biomonitoring using metabarcoding. International Diatom Symposium, Berlin, 25-30 june 2018.
Rimet F., Bouchez A., 2018. Littoral benthic diatoms in lakes: which advantages for ecological assessment? ‘Big Lakes - Small World’ ELLS-IAGLR joined meeting, Evian (France), 23-28 September 2018.
Rivera S.F., Vasselon V., Tapolczai K., Rimet F., Bouchez A., 2018. Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring: an overview. Limnologia 2018, XIX congress of Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), Coimbra (Portugal), 24-29 June 2018
Rossi M., Naffrechoux E., Lyautey E., Pesce S., Amigo L. Gateuille D., Mahamoud Ahmed A., Develle A.L., Camizuli E., Gasquet D. (2018). The impact of ancient mining activity on the critical zone: the example of the Peisey-Nancroix Pb-Ag mine (19th-20th century). Resources for Future Generations, Premier conference on energy, minerals, water, the Earth, Vancouver, Canada, 16-21 june 2018.
Santos R. Amaudrut S., Lefranc M., Merle L.A., O’Rourke J., Espinat L., Pressiat F., Bertier C., Bony S., Devaux A., Guillard J., Cattanéo F., 2018. Swimming in turbid water: impacts of resuspended fine sediments on fish physiology. IS rivers, Lyon Sept. 2018
Santos R., Lefranc M., Amaudrut S., Merle L.A., O’Rourke J., Guillard J., Espinat L. , Bony S., Devaux A., Cattanéo F, 2018. Genotoxicity and oxidative responses measured on Salmonid and Cyprinid species exposed to resuspended fine sediments. . Riverflow 2018 , Lyon
Stewart R.T., Lasne E., Goulon C., Guillard J., Vinson M.R., Stockwell J.D., 2018. Coregonids in the face of climate change: a collaborative global experiment talk. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City (NJ –USA),19-23 August.
Stewart T., Zucchetta M., Karjalainen J., Goulon C., Anneville O., Vinson M., Wanzenböck J., Winfield I., and Stockwell J., 2018. A modeling approach to better understand impacts of changing thermal habitat on coregonine spawning and egg incubation across latitudes and continents. ELLS-IAGLR2018, Evian, France, 23-28 septembre 2018.
Stubbington R., Barthès A., Bouchez A., Datry T., England J., Westwood C. , 2018. Novel biomonitors for dry-phase ecological health assessments transcend aquatic-terrestrial boundaries in temporary rivers. SFS Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (USA), 20-24 May 2018
Tapolczai K., Vasselon V., Bouchez A., Stenger-Kovács C., Padisák J., Rimet F., 2018. The significance of OTU sequence similarity threshold as a proxy for taxonomic resolution in diatom-based bioassessment: a case study on the rivers of Mayotte (France, Indian Ocean). 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin (Germany), 25–30 June 2018
VASSELON V., RIVERA S., DOMAIZON I., RIMET F., BOUCHEZ A., 2018. Freshwater quality assessment using diatom DNA metabarcoding :Progress and prospects in the frame of French rivers monitoring networks. SFS Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (USA), 20-24 May 2018
Vasselon V., Rivera S., Domaizon I., Rimet F., Bouchez A., 2018. Freshwater quality assessment using diatom DNA metabarcoding: progress and prospects in French river monitoring networks. 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin (Germany), 25–30 June 2018
Vitecek S., Bouchez A., Bruce K., Čiampor F., Ekrem T., Fontaneto D., Franc A., Graf W., Hering D., Kahlert M., Keskin E., Mergen P., Meissner K., Pauls S. U., Pawlowski J., Rotter A., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Weigand A., Zimmermann J., Leese F., 2018. The DNAqua-Net initiative: A COST Action dedicated to the development of pan-European molecular bioassessment tools for aquatic ecosystems. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 8–13 April 2018
Anneville O., Dur G., Rimet F., Chang C.-W., Hsieh C.-H. et Souissi S., 2017. Reducing phytoplankton diversity to understand ecosystem functioning : The Baroque in the Nature. IAGLR, Detroit (MI), USA, 15-19 mai 2017.
Bouchez A., FRANC A., BLANCHER P., Chaumeil P., Frigerio J.M., KECK F., KERMARREC L., MONNIER O., REYJOL Y., SALIN F., TAPOLCZAI K., VASSELON V., RIMET F. (2017) Diatom DNA metabarcoding & WFD : where are we ? COST DNAqua-net kick-off meeting, Essen (Germany) March 7-8 2017
Bouchez A., KERMARREC L., REYJOL Y., TAPOLCZAI K., VASSELON V., RIMET F. (2017) On the way to implementation of ecogenomic indices for river biomonitoring: a French progress report for diatoms. 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Olomouc (Check Republic), July 3-7 2017
BOURGEOIS I., J. SAVARINO, CLEMENT J.C.,2017. Response of subalpine watershed to atmospheric NO3- deposits using 17O. Goldschmidt 2017. 13-18 Aug. 2017. Paris, FR
Bouffard, D., Frossard V., Deyle E., Schwefel R., Sugihara G., Ye H. (2017) Multivariate Empirical Dynamique Modelling : Application to Hypoxia in Lake Geneva. Gordon Research Conference, Synthesizing Multifaceted Data in Chemical Oceanography. July 23-28, Colby-Sawyer College New London Oral Comm.
Felix-Faure J., Ramon M., Gaillard J., Rimet F., Chanudet V., Descloux S., Millery A., Etienne D., Dambrine E. 2017. A paleo-limnologic study of the effects of hydropower exploitation on a subalpine lake. SIL Austria. Innsbruck.
Franc A., Frigerio J.M., Chaumeil P., CHANCEREL E., Salin F., Bouchez A., Rimet F., KAHLERT M. (2017) Connecting metabarcoding with High Performance Computing: towards more accurate molecular based inventories. COST DNAqua-net kick-off meeting, Essen (Germany) March 7-8 2017
Frossard V., Rimet F., Perga M.-E. (2017) Causal networks reveal changes in biotic and abiotic interactions during re-oligotrophication of a large deep lake (Lake Geneva). Functional Ecology and Environment Conference, 11-12 July, Toulouse, France.
GACIA-PALACIOS P., GATTINGER A., BRACHT-JORGENSEN H, BRUSSAARD L., CARVALHO F., CASTRO H, CLEMENT J.C., DE DEYN G., D’HERTEFELDT T., FOULQUIER A., HEDLUND K., LAVOREL S., LEGAY N., LORI M., MARTINEZ L., MARTINS DA SILVA P., MULLER A., NASCIMENTO E., REIS F., SOUSA J.P. & R. MILLA, 2017. Ecological intensification increases soil C stocks via changes in crop residue traits. Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon. 21-23 march 2017, Rome, Italy.
Hrycik A, D Pierson, P Isles, R Adrian, M Albright, S Berger, HP Grossart, J Hejzlar, A Hetherington, S Jacquet, L Knoll, A Laas, N Lottig, C McDonald, J Nejstgaard, P Nõges, A Paterson, R Pilla, D Robertson, L Rudstam, J Rusak, S Sadro, E Silow, J Stockwel, H Yao, K Yokota. 2017. Effects of changes in winter/spring runoff timing on summer productivity in lakes. GLEON meeting 27 November – 1 December 2017, Mohonk Lake, NY USA
Lecrivain N., Aurenche V., Cottin N., Frossard V., Clement B. (2017) Ecological risk assessment of Lake Bourget (France, Savoie) littoral sediment contaminated by heavy metals, PAHs and PCBs through chemical analyses, biomarkers, laboratory and in situ bioassays. AquaConSoil, 26-30 June, Lyon France, Oral Comm.
Lecrivain N., Aurenche V., Cottin N., Frossard V., Clément B. (2017) Ecological risk assessment of lake littoral sediment contaminated by heavy metals, PAHs and PCBs through chemical analyses, biomarkers and laboratory bioassays. 14th International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources (AquaConSoil 2017), Lyon, France, 26-30 Juin 2017.
Leese F., Weigand A., Stoev P., Bouchez A., Koljalg U., Steinke D., Hebert P., Penev L. (2017) The Metabarcoding and Metagenomics Journal: Innovative scholarly publishing in a rapidly expanding research field. Seventh International Barcode of Life Conference, Skukuza (South Africa), 20 – 24 November 2017
Leese F., Bouchez A., Weigand A. (2017) DNA-based aquatic bioassessment and monitoring in Europe and beyond: The EU COST Action DNAqua-Net paves the way from research to application. Seventh International Barcode of Life Conference, Skukuza (South Africa), 20 – 24 November 2017
Lemaire M., Guillard J., Lobry J., Anneville O. , 2017. Sensitivity of lake food web structure and functioning to strong variations in fish abundances. IAGLR, Detroit (MI), USA, 15-19 mai 2017.
Lyautey E., Bouffard D., Frossard V., 2017. Temporal dynamics of benthic microbial communities over a 5-month period in the littoral area of Lake Bourget (France). SIL-, Innsbruck Austria, 26-28 October, Oral Comm.
NAPOLEONI R., BIRCK C., ARTHAUD F., 2017.) Sentinel lakes: a network for the study and management of mountain lakes in the French Alps. International Meeting on the Conservation of High Mountain Lakes, 6-8 July 2017, Cereole Reale, Italy.
Rimet F., VASSELON V., TAPOLCZAI K., Bouchez A. (2017) R-Syst::diatom, a reference library for diatoms: overview, uses and perspectives. COST DNAqua-net kick-off meeting, Essen (Germany) March 7-8 2017
Rudzewicz L., Baulaz Y., Peyrache-Gadeau V., 2018. Les pratiques touristiques et les représentations du paysage lacustre alpin : le cas du lac d'Aiguebelette. Sion/Sierre, 9 - 10 novembre 2017
Seltmann, S Souissi, D Straile, S Thackeray, P Venail. 2017. GLEON Storm-Blitz: An update from the GEISHA group on the links among storms, lake physics, and phytoplankton community dynamics. GLEON meeting 27 November – 1 December 2017, Mohonk Lake, NY USA
Soulignac F., Anneville O., Trevisan D., Bouffard D., Chanudet V., Dambrine E., Guenand Y., Harmel T., Ibelings B., Kiefer I., Uittenbogaard et Danis P.-A. , 2017. Assessing water quality of lakes : should lake monitoring accounts for spatio-temporal variability? IAGLR, Detroit (MI), USA, 15-19 mai 2017.
Stockwell J., Anneville O., Patil V., Looi A., Carey C., Dur G., Ibelings B., MacIntyre S., Morabito G., Néoges P., Pierson D., Rusak J., Souissi S., Straile D. et Thackeray S. (2017. Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on Freshwater Habitat and structure of phytoplankton Assemblages. ASLO, Honolulu, 26 février- 3 mars 2017.
TAPOLCZAI, K., BOUCHEZ A., STENGER-KOVÁCS, C., PADISÁK J., VASSELON V., RIMET F. (2017) Diatom-based ecological assessment on the rivers of the tropical island, Mayotte (France), using different approaches. 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Olomouc (Check Republic), July 3-7 2017
Thomas C., Lyautey E., Frossard V., Perga M.E. (2017) Vertical structure and horizontal variations in the cycling of methane in the sediment of Lake Onego, Russia. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April.
VASSELON V., DOMAIZON I., Rimet F., TAPOLCZAI K., Bouchez A. (2017) Optimization of diatom DNA metabarcoding : application to Mayotte streams monitoring network. COST DNAqua-net kick-off meeting, Essen (Germany) March 7-8 2017
2016 :
Anneville O., Dur G., Rimet F. et Souissi S. (2016 - Poster). Plasticity in phytoplankton annual periodicity : an adaptation to long-term environmental changes. IAGLR, Guelph, 6-10 juin 2016 / SIL, Torino, 31 juillet-5 août 2016.
Carvalho et al. (2016 – communication orale). How does climate change affect the response of cyanobacteria to nutrients? SIL, Torino, 31 juillet-5 août 2016.
Montuelle B., 2016, « le SOERE OLA : Observatoire des lacs », Journée INRA-Région Auvergne-Rhône Alpes, Hôtel de région, Lyon, 23/11/2016
Soulignac F. et al. (2016 – communication orale). Using 3D modelling for understanding spatio-temporal heterogeneities of phytoplankton abundance in Lake Geneva (France/Switzerland). IAGLR, Guelph, 6-10 juin 2016 / SIL, Torino, 31 juillet-5 août 2016.
Soulignac F. et al. 2016. Application of Delft3D to evaluate the spatio-temporal variability of Lake Geneva ecological status. Delft3D User Meeting, 2-4 Novembre, Delft (Pays-Bas).
Soulignac F. et al., 2016. Modélisation 3D du Léman. Journée scientifique sur la modélisation des écosystèmes lacustres. SOERE OLA. 19 février. Champs sur Marne.
Autres années :
BIRCK C., I. EPAILLARD, M-F. LECCIA, C. CRASSOUS, A. MORAND, C. MIAUD, C. BERTRAND, L. CAVALLI, S. JACQUET, P. MOULLEC, R. BONNET, C. SAGOT, E. FRANQUET, Y.M. NELLIER, M.E. PERGA, N. COTTIN, C. PIGNOL, E. MALET, E. NAFFRECHOUX, C. GIGUET-COVEX, M.E. PERGA, I. JOUFFROY-BAPICOT, D. ETIENNE, L. MILLET, P. SABATIER, B. WILHELM, B. PERREN AND F. ARNAUD. 2013. Sentinel lakes: a network for the study and management of mountain lakes in the French Alps and in Corsica. Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 5:61-68.
MONTUELLE B., O. ANNEVILLE, A. CHAMPIGNEULLE, I. DOMAIZON, J.M. DORIOZ, J. GUILLARD, S. JACQUET M.E. PERGA. 2013. Réponses de la biodiversité lacustre au changement global : variabilité à petite échelle et tendances à long terme. Innovations Agronomiques 23:3-18.